Full - time: Full - time means you work the full number of hours that your employer sets you.
Part - time: Part - time means half as much working hours from full time.
Freelance: Freelance work can be voluntary work or minimally paid voluntary work.
Contracted: Contract work is work you do for a certain amount of time till the job is done.
Permanent: Permanent work would be work that someone would from a very long term like maybe 10 to 20 years. A boss would fit this roll.
Fixed - Term: you must have an employment contract with the business you work for. Also your employment contract must be ‘fixed-term’, meaning it must end on a particular date, after a certain event or on completion of a task
Working patterns
Office hours: Week days like Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm
Late hours: Late hours would be from 5 o'clock to 12 o'clock
Shift work: Shift work is a working role that can be taken in turns and can vary for how long it lasts depending on the job
Night shift: Night shifts start around 10 o'clock and would probably finish at early hours of the morning
Contracts most likely to use this are:
Office hours: Full - time workers
Late hours: Permanent and Part - time workers
Shift work: Fixed term and contracted workers
Night shift: Freelance, Permanent and contracted workers
Pay patterns
Monthly: A monthly pay pattern if you get paid monthly. Full - time workers would probably receive this kind of payment pattern.
End of Job: Contracted and freelance workers would mostly get their payment this way.
Timesheets: A timesheet is something that is used to track when an employer will start their shift or start their working hours to when they finish. The time sheet will affect the pay of the employer if the employer isn't responsible enough to manage their time sheet.
Free: Some people work voluntarily for free. Freelancers do this from time to time.
Invoicing: Invoicing means to send someone a bill. Freelancers who want to get paid or contracted workers would mostly do this.
What will each of my 3 jobs come under?
job 1: Location Manager
A location manager would work as a fixed term worker till the job is completed. They would probably have to invoice their employer if the bill for the job isn't already on the contract the fixed term worker would have signed. Location manager would probably have to work both office hours and late hours.
job 2: Stunt performer
A stunt performer would work as a contract worker. They probably would have to work both office hours and late hours. A stunt performer may get paid at the end of the job without invoicing but some stunt performers would have to invoice their employer.
job 3: Camera operator
A camera operator would work as a Full - time employee and sometimes maybe even late hours too depending on what needs to be recorded. If the camera operator isn't working for free, the payment will for the job will probably come at the end.